Is Nie Ganu a "great poet"?

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 Chen Ruding

     In the 5th issue of 2016, "Review of Heart-tide Poetry" (hereinafter referred to as "Review"), Mr. Qin Xichang published an article on Nie Gannu's poetic soul character。Tan said in the article: "I think that the in-depth study of his poetry should start from the study of Nie Ganu himself, especially focusing on a specific historical period, deep close to and understanding of the great poet, more can understand the poet's unique outstanding character.。Then, after reviewing Nie Gannu's "personal experience," Tan emphasized again that he "eventually became a great poet who was loyal to the party, loyal to the people, and loyal to his feelings for life under the inspiration and training of the Party.。在文中覃先生两次提出:聂绀弩是“伟大诗人”!     然而,我们要问聂绀弩果真“伟大”吗?Let us first clarify the meaning of "greatness"。     习近平总书记《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》中说:“伟大的人物之所以伟大,不仅因为这样的人物为人民、为民族、为人类建立了丰功伟绩,而且这样的人物在艰苦磨练中铸就了坚强意志和高尚人格”。     Against this standard, the author believes that Nie Gannu has neither "noble personality" nor "has established great achievements for the people, the nation and mankind".?I will make a brief description of the following face from four aspects in order to be right with the Fang family。     First, free and undisciplined, old habits are hard to change。     Mr. Tan repeatedly called Nie Ganu a "great poet."。But to write a poem is to write a man。Then Nie Di's character is noble, or low?I think this can be explained by a sentence of Premier Zhou Enlai, that is, Nie Ganu is a person who is "accustomed to freedom and disorganization.。     According to Mr. Yao Quanming disclosed in the article "The Strange Flowers of" Blood and Smile ":" During Nie's labor reform in the Northern Wilderness, at a State meeting, someone proposed that Nie Gannu was too old to work in the Northern Wilderness and wanted him to return to Beijing。Premier Zhou Enlai replied: "Nie Gannu is used to freedom and disorganization, he should be allowed to suffer more, it will be good.。As we all know, Premier Zhou was not only Nie Gannu's leader and teacher in Huangpu, but also his direct leader after liberation. I think no one knows Nie Gannu better than Premier Zhou。At the same time, people also know that Premier Zhou loves cadres and intellectuals the most。If Nie Gannu is not "free and loose", and old habits are hard to change, would Premier Zhou make such a statement at such an important State Council meeting?     Premier Zhou's words show that Nie Gannu's "freedom and disorganization" is not a one-time thing, not a year or two, but has become a habit, consistent。Some people may say that "free and loose" is a small part of life, not the big picture。I think this is very wrong and very harmful in the revolutionary ranks。     So what is "free and undisciplined"??The Modern Chinese Dictionary (1984 edition) explains that "unmannered" means "careless and undisciplined".。Here the Ci book emphasizes the close relationship between "loose" and "discipline"。        What is discipline?Discipline is rules. It's rules。Mencius said, without rules, no square can be achieved。A country, a team, if there are no laws and regulations and be bound by them, it will be the country will be broken, the world will be in chaos。The reason why our party has been able to grow and remain invincible is that it is a proletarian party founded on iron discipline。He also stressed that Party discipline is equal before all, there is no privilege to observe discipline, and there is no exception to the implementation of discipline。Nie, on the contrary, sees himself as an exception, as long as he is "free and disorganized" and does not organize discipline。     People know that discipline belongs to the moral category, and a person who does not obey or ignore the constraints of discipline has no morality。How disciplined is a person, which can directly reflect his ideological and moral level。Facts have proved that a person with high moral sentiments must have a high degree of consciousness to observe discipline;On the contrary, a person with low moral character is often a person who cannot consciously observe discipline。习总书记指出:讲规矩是对党员、干部党性的重要考验,是对党员、干部对党忠诚的重要检验。Nie Ganu is free and disorganized and ignores the rules. Is this loyalty to the party?     Just think: a person who is "free and loose", a person who is not disciplined, can its character be "noble"?Can a person be "great"?Nie Gannu, as a veteran party member and senior party cadre who joined the Party for 34 years, not only did not set an example and take the lead in following the example, but he was accustomed to freedom and disdiscipline。This can only show his arrogance and contempt for the Party's organizational discipline, a great disloyalty to the Party's cause for the people, and political corruption。Ask me: How can such people be "great"?至于自由主义,毛主席早在1937年《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》一文中就说过:“它是一种腐蚀剂,使团结涣散,关系松懈,工作消极,意见分歧。...It plays an objective role in aiding the enemy。Mr. Tan said: Nie Gannu "he is talented, has broad revolutionary feelings, Zhu Xi called 'on the military strategy can be a general, the thesis can be a phase' of the person, but because of complex political reasons, he was not only not entrusted with important responsibilities, but was wrongly classified as' rightist 'and counter-revolutionary and sent to prison.。(Qin Wen ditto, see "Review" 2016 No. 5) Here the author of the article seems to have forgotten our party's principle of "having both virtue and ability, and putting virtue first"。习总书记说:“修身立德是为政之基。"Can a person like Nie Gannu, who has no basis for government, rule the country and organize the army??If a person who can't even manage himself is allowed to become the "general" of the people's army and the "minister" of the country, where will he lead our army and our country?How is it managed?"The good go up, the weak go down, and the weak go out.。”(习近平语)像聂绀弩这样的人,即使他有天大的“才”,党和人民能放心地让他为“将”、为“相”吗?。       However, even with Nie's poor performance, the Party Central Committee gave him great trust and tolerance。After liberation, Nie successively served as a member of the Culture and Education Committee of the Central and Southern District, deputy editor-in-chief and director of the Classical Department of the People's Publishing House。Until 1957, he was classified as a rightist and sent to the fifth team of the 850-0 farm in the North Great Wilderness for labor reform。In the meantime, Nie was sentenced to one year in prison for the crime of fire。However, in order to give full play to Nie's professional ability, "In October 1959 Nie Gannu was transferred to Mudanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Bureau" Northern Wilderness Literature and Art "editorial department as an editor, the following winter (that is, the winter of 60) finished work and returned to Beijing, arranged to work in the Committee of Cultural and Historical Data of the CPPCC National Committee as a commissioner, after being removed from the" rightist "hat。(Feng Zhongping's "Dialogue and Revelation of Different Arts" see "Review", 2016, No. 5) This is more than ten years ahead of the time until 1979 when the national rightists unified uncapped。This is not enough to explain the tolerance and reuse of Nie Gannu by the Party Central Committee?     A gentleman said: Nie Gannu is "serving the country without a door.。(Yong Wenhua "Interpretation of Nie Gannu poem" see "Review" 2014, No. 1) I think Mr. Yong's words are too ignorant of the facts。It should be said that Nie Gannu has a door to serve the country, but it is a pity that he has a door again and again。See: Nie returned to Beijing from the Great Wilderness, he should have learned a lesson from it, but unfortunately he was "free and loose", thinking that the hat was off, no one could control him, so later recalled to write poems about the labor life in the Great Wilderness, in order to vent the party's dissatisfaction and resentment against the leader。Nie said: "Some of the seven rules of the Northern Wilderness life" Northern Barren Grass "were also done at this time。(Nie Gannu "SAN Yi Sheng Poem · Preface")。However, to Nie's surprise, five years after he returned to Beijing, the Cultural Revolution broke out, and Nie was also convicted of "writing a large number of reactionary poems" and "viciously attacking the proletarian command" and sentenced to life imprisonment。But ten years later, in 1976, the relevant departments gave Nie an "amnesty" in the name of "former Kuomintang county league level personnel" and released Nie back to Beijing early。In 1979, he was reinstated, restored to his reputation, rank, salary and CPC membership, and became a member of the CPPCC National Committee。Nie Gannu did not reciprocate the benevolence of the central government,It was in 1982, at the beginning of reform, at the beginning of chaos,He has published his old poetry collection "Three Grasses" (referring to "North Barren Grass", "Beidao", "Nanshan Grass") and "SAN Yisheng Poetry" with serious political errors successively in Hong Kong Weeds Publishing House and People's Literature Publishing House.,Wide distribution。It can be seen that Nie Zhi can not be a "general" or a "minister", which is not caused by "complex political reasons", but by his own freedom and disobedience, disregard for party discipline, lack of virtue and outstanding achievements。     Second, wanton attacks on leaders and disregard party resolutions。     1981年中共十一届六中全会通过的《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》中指出:“毛泽东同志是伟大的马克思主义者,是伟大的无产阶级革命家、战略家和理论家。Although he made serious mistakes in the "Cultural Revolution", in his life, his contributions to the Chinese revolution far outweigh his faults。His merits come first, his mistakes second。He made indelible contributions to the founding and development of our Party and the Chinese People's Liberation Army, to the victory of the liberation of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, to the founding of the People's Republic of China and to the development of China's socialist cause。He has made a great contribution to the liberation of the oppressed nations of the world and the cause of human progress."。Nie Gannu, however, went against the party's resolution, using prose and poetry in the form of "artistic techniques such as writing, ridicule, irony, pun, metaphor and humor" to "create an atmosphere of joking and scolding.。(Wang Jiaying's "Shallow exploration of Nie Gannu's Prose Style" see "Review" 2016, No. 5), joking about the "emperor", railing against the "imperial power" and "Zhou Ting", insinuating attacks on the Central Committee and party leaders。Here are just a few examples: "Too Yan Zi Mausoleum Beach" : "Friends in the past, the emperor, you occupy the court and I occupy the mountain。Here fish dragon more lonely, the palace is not cold。-- Wang Jun commented: "In the past, friends fought together, sharing weal and woe;At this time, the emperor is sitting on the throne, ruling the world。The status is different, the status is different, the situation is different, and the modality is not different?Occupy the mountain, fisherman wild husband, although the fish dragon lonely, pour ridiculous proud mountains;Those who occupy the imperial court are in power, although the palace is splendid, it is "lonely at the top."。These two couplets, what do they mean?It is no wonder that Zeng Minzhi said, "Although the poem is subtle, it has the content of feeling and hurting things, and also has the meaning of quoting the past and shooting the present.。'" (Wang Jun's "Nie Gannu Man and his Poetry Two Three Remarks" see "Review" 2016 No. 5) Tu Xie Quan commented that such verses "make people shocking。Similar poems can be found everywhere in Nie's poetry collection ", "his poems do have elements of political metaphor"。(Tu Xiequan, "On the Relationship Between" Cyanosis of the Crossbow Body "and Classical Poetry"),See "Review" 2016 No. 5) "Dong Chao Xue Ba" : "Jijing Qiu Jiangshan,Speedmaster two public can be less!"-- Wang Jun comments: Nie Ganu "mixed thoughts,The anger of unruliness,Often the thoughts, insights and feelings that people have not, cannot, and dare not send,Set people thinking。For example, Dong Chaoxue Ba...How profound is the meaning of history and how sharp is the brushstroke!"(Wang Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016 No. 5) A good "words out of history, intended to reality"。Who is "Ji-kyung Cho-kwan"?佶,是赵佶,即宋徽宗;京,是太师蔡京;俅,是太尉高俅;贯,是枢密使童贯。These four men are famous courtiers in Chinese history。聂绀弩将党的领袖们比做昏君佞臣,诋毁中央权威,是对共产党领袖的莫大侮辱,是不折不扣的罪人行为!     《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》之三:“错从耶弟方犹大,何不纣廷咒恶来。Wang Jun commented: "Some people mistakenly compare Shuwu to Jesus' disciple Judas, why don't those people in the court of King Zhou denounce those evil people who specialize in bringing slander to people?"(Judas, disciple of Jesus。Evil comes, King Zhou's servant, good slander。(Wang Wen ibid., see Review 2016 No. 5) Here Nie stigmatizes the Party Central Committee as a brutal "Zhou Ting"。May I ask: Is this Nie's "poetic soul character", "blood" and "greatness"?     "Title you winter poem volume" : "The king of the first difficult value, the scholar of the tongue together Cun。Hu Xiaohua comments: This is to say that "the emperor's living head has no value, and the scholar's tongue is still there, I'm afraid it can only be stiff and chapped?。Mocking the thoughts of emperors, defending the power of the words of scholars。(Hu Xiaohua "The world has a strange poem must you write", see "Review" 2016 No. 5) "After the sunflower field" : "The red sun in the sky earnest, the autumn wind leaves stand clear road。-- Hu Xiaohua quoted Wang Shusheng as commenting: "This poem uses Bishing throughout...After the success of the hegemon who did not listen to the loyal advice, do not believe in the virtuous minister gave a humorous mockery。(Hu Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016, No. 5) "The Way Home (two first) II" : "The article is easy to talk, and the mind is difficult to confess。-- Hu Xiaohua commented: "This is the deformed performance of literati in the sick era, the predicament of survival.。The yellow bell is destroyed, the fire is thundering, one easy and another difficult, it is an accusation, it is an expose。(Hu Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016 No. 5) "Lin Chong (two first) II" : "The man's face engraved gold seal, a smile heart light white tiger hall。Hu Xiaohua commented: "The time does not allow me, the world SINS me, you can carve the mark of a criminal on my face, but you can not take me into account.?I despise you, fuck you, farewell to the court, bloody, honest。(Hu Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016, No. 5) There are also, such as: "Huai Zhang Wei" : "The hero statue is a thousand, but the emperor's new clothes are more than half.。"Looking at Qu Yuan in the rain" : "The world is not who is in charge, he is our slave.。”     《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》:“出问题时有毛选,得欢欣处且秧歌。"Cattle" second: "a whip in the hand of the world, people return to the heart kiss the ground.。"Gift to Zhou Po" : "Freedom and equality FIG leaf, democratic centralized robbery chess.。Tu Xiequan said: "In Nie's poems, there are many works that reflect the politics of the time in a subtle and tortuous way, and criticism has become an important theme of this kind of poetry.。(The same as Tu, see "Review" 2016 No. 5) However, some people are singing the praises of this blatant derogation of hair and anti-hair behavior。     Hu Xiaohua said: "Since ancient times, most of the highest ideals of Chinese intellectuals have been the pursuit of the monarch, and they have always wanted to receive divine grace to work for the monarch in the court。From Confucius...To Du FuLike Li Bai...At its core, it is still a matter of personal honor...And when I read Nie's poems, all I can see and feel is...There is no flattery of the powerful, no pandering to the world, no glorifying of shackles。He was like the seven sages of the bamboo forest, in that dark age...Screaming in poetry...In order to achieve success。Nie Shi is undoubtedly an outlier in a chorus of praise and is the last song against the world."。Hu further said: "Nie Zhi's poetry and language are like spears and daggers, pointing directly at the heart of the people。(Hu, ibid,See Review, No. 5, 2016) Nie Gannu has been a senior cadre trained by the party for decades,Even the "spear dagger" again and again to their own leaders and central;To the Party, the army and the founders of New China;Stab the "heart" of the national hero on whom the people are proud,Is this Nie's "poetic soul character", "Last sound", "last song" and "great"??        丁益喜教授严正指出:“已经被历史定格,被人民群众拥戴,被诗人赞颂的伟人却被非毛、倒毛、批毛的声浪重新卷起,且大有一浪高过一浪的趋势。The reverse of history has raised mud in an attempt to interfere with the direction of the Chinese Communists and blur the boundary between right and wrong of the people。”(丁益喜《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》见《皇冠手机比分网官方入口》2016年第6期)     历史证明,毛泽东和以他为首的中央,Not "Zhou Ting";,They are recognized by the people as leaders and heroes of the nation。Is it the object of ridicule, ridicule, and abuse!     习近平总书记说:“英雄是民族最闪亮的坐标。Singing the motherland and praising heroes has always been the eternal theme of literary and artistic creation, and it is also the most moving chapter。We must extol the main theme of patriotism, use vivid literary language and dazzling artistic images to decorate the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland, depict the excellence of the Chinese nation, and inspire every Chinese to feel national pride and national honor。To the heroes of the Chinese nation, we should hold them in high esteem, record and shape them with strong colors, let them be spread in literary and artistic works, guide the people to establish correct views on history, the nation, the country and culture, and never do anything that blasphemes our ancestors, classics or heroes。Nie Gannu's crazy blasphemy against the heroes of our Party and nation is a vain attempt to deny the arduous and glorious revolutionary history of the Party, the army and the country;It is to undermine the bottom, shake and disintegrate the fundamental beliefs in the hearts of the people, and scatter the fighting spirit of the people, and this is not a sinner?     Third, propagating Ah Q gas and deviating from ideals and beliefs。     Nie Gannu in the poem dew talent and promote the spirit of Ah Q, openly deviate from the party's ideals and beliefs。In addition to the author pointed out in the above Nie Zi than "Lin Chong", he also compared himself to Confucius, Zeng fair;Compare oneself with great talent;Compared with Huashan, Songshan and so on。     "Six 鹢" : "not to stop Longmen, bath Fenshui yong and return.。In this regard, Hu Xiaohua commented: "Looking up at Longmen want to climb but can not, have to learn Zeng Fair, Confucius, take a bath in the Fenhe river, blow the wind, sing songs, go home.。...This poem begins with six 鹢 allusions to retreat, the story comes from "Spring and Autumn", birds retreat, people think disaster, Nie borrowed Bixing, Shengfa, great significance。(Hu Wen ditto, see "Review" 2016 No. 5) "billet with Lin Yi" : "Look at me a Kuang world soil, and you nine together plug edge mud。Nie Blowing himself was a great talent of "one Kuang, nine combined princes"。In this regard, Wang Jun commented: "This is a Kuang world, nine together the great talent of the state, as a great event to govern the state, but now Quanzhou and mud, brick, become a labor transformation.。The irony of injustice, or the expression of gloom?(Wang Wen ditto, see "Review" 2016 No. 5) "Miscellaneous poems (four)" No. 4: "A tree bald Ke stands outside the window, towering shoulders to people。Hu Xiaohua commented: "I am like a bare tree, standing alone outside the window, shrugging my shoulders to people, as high as Mount Hua Song.。(Hu Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016 No. 5) Why should Nie Gannu brag like this?This was because he had switched from communism to the sick, self-deluded, self-important spirit of Ah Q。Nie Gannu publicly declared that he had "Ah Q Qi" and that the spirit of Ah Q was his "spiritual support".。He said proudly in the "SAN Xuan Sheng Poem · Postscript" : "In my" Gift to Xu Zhisheng "poem, the first sentence is' How many girls are there in the Qiu family ', which has already expressed this kind of Ah Q gas。Second united 'their own cell what to fear, fat disease can be a doctor。Although this is what Zhin often says, it is also adopted by my Ah Q Qi。Look!Pick up a load of water, which is called "pick up a load of Qiankun" (" Carrying water ");Pick the soil and mud, self-called "nine combined princes, a basket of the world" (" billet ");What a Qi, not only witty, funny, grease only!...People can rely on it as a spiritual, from a certain situation to survive, it is a good thing。Mr. Qin did not say: Nie Ganu "he is first of all a thorough Communist Party member"?(Qin Wen ibid., see "Review" 2016 No. 5) In this case, may I ask: "A thorough Communist Party member" can arbitrarily give up Communist ideals and beliefs, and instead believe in the spirit of Ah Q?Nie Gannu publicly declared that he took Ah Q Qi as "spiritual dependence" and became a believer in Ah Q. Is this the proper act of a "thorough Communist Party member"?不,应该说这是聂对入党誓词“为共产主义奋斗终身,随时准备为党和人民牺牲一切,永不叛党”的背叛;是对共产主义理想信念的背叛!这那里还有一点“彻底的共产党员”的影子?Nie Gannu failed to live up to Premier Zhou's hope, and did not pursue spiritual sublimation in the labor reform, but was willing to degenerate spirit。     Nie Gannu also boasted of Ah Q Qi, saying: "The ancients also wrote about labor, and some chapters we know say that they watched labor next to labor and sympathized with their hard work in a higher place.。But I work on my own, work with others, and watch others work, but not in sympathy, but in praise, forced praise, in the spirit of Ah Q。Sing not only to others, but also to yourself。Here, Nie brags himself as the first person to participate in labor and write labor since ancient times。Is that true?Not like that!Ancient like: Jin Tao Yuanming's "Return to the Garden", Song Lu You's "Small garden", Qing Qianlong's "Imperial garden cultivation" and so on。Modern such as: Zhu De's "Tour of Nanniwan", and "Xiangyang Lake Poem Grass" recorded by Zang Kejia, Shen Congwen, Wang Shixiang, Wang Yizhu and many other national treasure writers, poets, experts in literature, editors, etc., in the Ministry of Culture, Xiangyang Lake Five-seventh Cadre School, participated in the work of writing many poems。I think their labor poems are stronger than Nie's in terms of ideological content and poetic taste。In particular, many labor poems of Zang Kejia, a leading poet in the poetry circle, have a lofty artistic conception and give people positive energy rather than negative energy。     Fourth, contempt for tradition, poetry low。     There are two very different views on Nie's so-called poetry。One is that someone deliberately raises it。As mentioned earlier, Mr. Tan called Nie Ganu a "great poet."。 Hu Xiaohua also said: "Nie Gannu's old style poetry is new and innovative, it can be said that it is long Yin Xiao long, and the world is rare.。Some people praised it as a "strange poem" in the new period, a real "new voice", "a strange peak", "unprecedented", is "unique in the past, present and future", it should be said that how to praise Nie Shi can not be too much.。(Hu Wen ibid., see Review 2016, No. 5) The other is to refute Nie Shi in the face of a lot of flattery。For example, Mr. Zheng Xinmiao, president of the Chinese Poetry Society, gave a humorous and intelligent answer。Mr. Zheng said that Nie Gannu's anti-rightist and Cultural Revolution poems had only "reached the peak of his personal poetry creation."。(Zheng Xinmiao, "Kyushu Angry Phoenix Pen, Millennium Literary heart Magnificent Words", Review, 2016, No. 6)。The meaning is: Nie Ganu can not be compared with the ancient great Qu Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, etc., nor can it be compared with today's progressive poets, Nie Ganu's "peak" can only be compared with itself。     Indeed, actions speak louder than words。Now let's take a look at where is Nie Shi's "greatness"?     (1) Lewd words into poetry, shrew scold the street。     Yan Yu said in "Canglang Poetry" : "Learning poetry is based on knowledge, the entrance must be correct, and the determination must be high."。So Nie Gannu's poem, whether the entry is right, aspire to high?Look at: "Instant with thunder Fu Yun" : "Dry for half a day no bird thing, gather together four corners and bridge.。"Zhong Shan" four Qing "return" : "Green eyes singing at my son, red heart big trunk pipe his mother.。"There are four gifts" two: "Children painted wall books forget eight, chariots and horses fight for the way to scold don't three.。"What is a bird?Bird, is "human, animal male genitalia - swear words.。(See the New Xinhua Dictionary, 2nd printing, Hainan Publishing House, April 1995)。Nie Gannu in the above poem, the male genitalia, "his mother" private parts are moved out;The old society on the beach curse vulgar words, also stuffed into Zhuang Ya's poetry。People can not help but ask, Nie this is writing poetry or shrew scold street?This can only show that Nie Zhi "entry is not straight, not high", so he repeatedly wrote "lower body", blaspheming poetry and blaspheming civilization。Is this the "greatness" of Nie Shi??It is ironic to remember that a few years ago someone severely criticized some new poems about the "lower body" problem。Once upon a time, some people in today's poetry circle have praised him, saying that Nie's "lower body" metrical poetry is "interesting" (Tu Xie Quan).。这不能不说是中华诗词的悲哀!     (二)口号充斥,劣诗多多     罗辉先生在《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》:“赠君毛泽东思想,要从灵魂深处降”。     "Zhong Three to Four Qing" : "When there is a problem, there is no choice", "devoting themselves to the class struggle"。     《皇冠体育比分网手机入口》:“毛泽东思想都学,输君把卷定忘疲”。     "Gift Five Wo" : "What do you and I believe in all my life, Leninist Manz"。     "To be Praised" : "More than 200 percent, at first hearing suspect that it is someone else"。     In these so-called poems, can we see "metaphors," pictures, and images?No, all one can see is: slogans, slogans, labels, advertising phrases, rhymes, political terms, etc。Is that poetry?Does writing this kind of poetry qualify as a "great poet"?If it is to be counted, it can only be counted as false poetry and bad poetry。     (3) Failure to abide by norms and self-deception。     To write metrical poetry, we must strictly abide by three laws, namely, rhythm, rhyme and synchrony。This is the wisdom and precious cultural heritage left by our ancestors, and it is also an important symbol that is different from other kinds of literary style, which can not be broken or discarded at will under the pretext of "innovation"。Do Nie's metrical poems abide by these "three rules"?Some say he complied。For example: Xuan Fenghua said: "Looking at the 53 poems in Nie Ganu's North Barren Grass, except for one seven-character quatrains, the other 52 are all seven-character poems.。The poems are rhythmical and steady。It embodies the poet's profound traditional poetry accomplishment and rigorous artistic pursuit。(Xuan Fenghua, "A Mirror of the Life of The Times", see Review, No. 5, 2016) However, actions speak louder than words。Just by Nie himself and the above poets praised the "Northern Barren Grass" 52 rhythmic poems, there are 18 rhyming sentences (that is, even sentences) have a single or three flat feet error, accounting for 34.5%。Here we have not taken into account the three flat feet or lone feet in the first rhyme and the odd sentence (3, 5, 7)。What's more, one of the seven rules in Nie's poems has two isolated levels。For example, the 4th sentence "Pyramid side red sun", the 8th sentence "new to the latest thresher"。 May I ask: more than one third of the metrical poems are not metrical, and this is still called "rhythm"?Can this kind of poetry be considered "great"?As for the rhyme, loss of stick, loss of alignment, three oblique tails, the same character, four words and one method in Nie's poems, we will leave it alone。Yu Yongsen said: "The overall balance, Nie poetry is less than one tenth of the best.。(" On Nie Gannu's Poems "see" Review "2016, No. 5) That is to say, more than 90% of Nie Gannu's poetry is" bad"。I think this simple mistake of "a great mistake for poets" in Nie's poems can only show that Nie's thoughtless attitude towards the writing of Chinese poetry, one of the excellent traditional Chinese culture, has destroyed the beauty of rhythm, rhyme and symmetry of metrical poetry, and has low ideological content and poetic taste, which has set a bad precedent in the poetry field。     In short, through the brief description of the facts in the above four aspects, it is fully explained that Nie Gannu has neither noble personality nor great achievements for the people, the nation and mankind, and how to talk about "greatness".?     So, in the comprehensive strict governance of the Party, for the two hundred years of struggle today, why in the poetry circle will blow up the "Nie Gannu whirlwind"?Don't you see: The "NIE Award" organizing committee composed of 9 major units and the Nie Shi Foundation, which is participated by 8 companies, holds the Nie Ganu Poetry Award Conference every two years (has been held for two sessions), which is not only attended by representatives of the poetry industry across the Taiwan Strait, but also retired veteran cadres at the bureau level, provincial and ministerial level and deputy national level。Its high specifications, great momentum, and wide influence, even the "Model of The Times" and "Light of China" and other award conferences held by the Central Government, are also lagging behind。Not only that, some people also named the so-called "Gannu Middle School" and "Gannu Poetry Society".。May I ask why?It is the so-called "last sound" and "last song" of Nie's "non-hair, pour hair and criticize hair";Will the so-called "Ah Q Qi", which violates the Communists' world outlook, outlook on life and values, spread to the grassroots and extend to future generations in order to pass on the torch?Is this supposed to set an example in poetry?     Perhaps people will ask: Since Nie's personality and poetry have so many problems, why are they touted by some people?Mr Zhu Zheng explains why。He said: "Perhaps the author and the reader have a certain experience, it is easy to resonate.。"When I read these poems, I feel more intimate, and even feel that some of the poems have seemed to exist in my heart."。(Zhu Zheng "SAN Yisheng Poem · Note") It can be seen that the emergence of "Nie Gannu whirlwind" is by no means accidental。This is a reflection of the extraordinarily complex and acute struggle in the field of ideology in the field of poetry。习近平总书记说:“意识形态领域的斗争和较量是长期的、复杂的,也是严峻的、紧迫的,一刻也不能放松和削弱”。He stressed: "To fight, we must not fear ghosts, not believe in evil, we must dare to seize and control, and dare to show the sword."。The author hopes that the relevant departments will pay serious attention to the problem of "Nie Gannu cyclone"。     I am over 80 years old, and I have no capacity to interfere in the world。As a lump in the throat, I see errors circulating。So in the spirit of a hundred schools of thought contend, hard to support the sick body, write these words。Because the article involves famous people, although there is a literary responsibility, I am afraid it is difficult to have newspapers willing to "volunteer" to publish my clumsy article。Only the above, do your duty。Believe in what is right and what is wrong。   On December 16, 2016, he was at the residence of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Science and Technology, No. 58, Camahua Road, Wenquan, Xianning City  邮编:437100  
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